Category Archives: Home Decor

Fall:New Obsession – A Reocuring one everytime I redecorate

This past summer, I spent pretty much every Saturday selling my jewelry at an open air craft market and making new friends. Being outdoors every weekend was a total treat for a home body like me who will gladly read a couple of New Yorkers, a Fashion Magazine, my books, and tons of blogs in one weekend if one lets me!

Well now that the sun has deserted this wet city, the rain welcomes me home! Literally…
Now “forced ” to stay indoors, I look forward to making more jewelry, to preparing my new website on Amazon, and catching up with my New Yorkers! An additional treat however is the New Official Anais Nin Blog I plan to read religiously!

Here is a peak at what you will find . The following images are of Anais Nin on a bed she designed and blue prints of furniture designed by her in the 1920s. I posted and entry I read in an Anais Nin diary which depicts the very blue prints. Apparently the editor of the Nin blog had found these prints but was not exactly sure if they were her designs. Upon reading my entry , he concluded that indeed the blue prints corresponded to the first Parisian apartment designed by Anais Nin. Who knew they existed. Awww the years I spent imagining the colors and the details. AND here they are out of thin air they appeared to me . OMEN. Inspired I designed a pair of Sterling Silver earrings.

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Filed under anais nin, Anais Nin Diary, arabesque, Film and Jewelry, furniture design in the 1920s, Home Decor, Home Decore, How Jewelery is made, inspirational, Literature and Art, moorish style, Uncategorized

My New Home in Seattle

On February 2010, my boyfriend was offered a job at Amazon Seattle. As a software engineer, this was an awesome opportunity so we decided to make Seattle our new home. March 31 , 2010 was my last day in Oakland, CA and it was a sad day indeed. On April 2, 2010, I drove up to Seattle . Tired and hungry, I arrived to Capitol Hill and to an adorable big yellow house! Immediately
, we unloaded a car full of my beads and  two kitties. My wonderful brother,who helped me do the ten hour drive, confirmed the loveliness of this neighborhood which I now call home!  It took me five days to decorate and organize a plethora of funky old stuff hauled from Oakland to Seattle! Here is our little home.

Painting of a Coffee Bean Goddess by Tony Machado

Makeshift - Bookcase and Sofa table squeezed into a nook . Our place is too small to fit all our furniture.

Trees! My view while I post Etsy stuff!

Bedroom Wall -A nice little arrangement of my favorite black and white pictures and artwork.

Cabinet of Curiosities AKA Liquor cabinet - My kitties fight for this corner.

"New" Persian Rug : Just a little something I aquired from my brother JR. He is now a Rug Dealer's apprentice and scored this beauty for my Birthday!

Our "New" Teal leather couch. A local used furniture store in Capito Hill supplied this cutie!

My new "beading" corner! Time to make some stuff!!!!


Filed under Home Decor